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Changelog 21 (06/21)

GitHub Authentication

By popular request, we've implemented GitHub sign up. We've linked it to your primary GitHub email through Firebase authentication.

Invite detection

Many users come directly to Highlight because their team is using the product but they don't realize that they need to come through an invite link in order to join their workspace.

We now check for available workspace invitations on sign up, so team members will be more likely to join their workspace as intended.

invite detection

AllContributor GitHub App

We've installed the AllContributor GitHub app and integrated it with our codebase.

all contributors

New Slack Embed

We already support tagging a Slack channel in a session comment.

Now we take a screenshot of that session and embed it in the Slack channel to add extra context to the message.

Slack embed

Hobby Deploy off localhost

The Hobby Deploy assumed that it would always host itself on localhost.

We fixed that issue by passing REACT_APP_PRIVATE_GRAPH_URI and REACT_APP_PUBLIC_GRAPH_URI to the Docker containers, so you can configure the endpoints to run on any domain you like.

Python 3.11 Support

Our SDK now supports Python 3.11.