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Using with Python on Google Cloud Functions

Learn how to set up on Google Cloud Functions.


Configure client-side Highlight. (optional)

If you're using Highlight on the frontend for your application, make sure you've initialized it correctly and followed the fullstack mapping guide.


Install the highlight-io python package.

Download the package from pypi and save it to your requirements. If you use a zip or s3 file upload to publish your function, you will want to make sure highlight-io is part of the build.

poetry add highlight-io
# or with pip pip install highlight-io

Initialize the Highlight SDK.

Setup the SDK. Add the @observe_handler decorator to your functions.

import logging import random from datetime import datetime import functions_framework import highlight_io from highlight_io.integrations.gcp import observe_handler # `instrument_logging=True` sets up logging instrumentation. # if you do not want to send logs or are using `loguru`, pass `instrument_logging=False` H = highlight_io.H( "<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>", instrument_logging=True, service_name="my-app", service_version="git-sha", environment="production", ) @observe_handler @functions_framework.http def hello_http(request): return "Hello {}!".format(name)

Verify your installation.

Check that your installation is valid by throwing an error. Add an operation that raises an exception to your function. Setup an HTTP trigger and visit your function on the internet. You should see a DivideByZero error in the Highlight errors page within a few moments.

import logging import random from datetime import datetime import functions_framework import highlight_io from highlight_io.integrations.gcp import observe_handler # `instrument_logging=True` sets up logging instrumentation. # if you do not want to send logs or are using `loguru`, pass `instrument_logging=False` H = highlight_io.H( "<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>", instrument_logging=True, service_name="my-app", service_version="git-sha", environment="production", ) @observe_handler @functions_framework.http def hello_http(request): return f"This might be a bad idea: {5/0}"

Verify your backend logs are being recorded.

Visit the highlight logs portal and check that backend logs are coming in.


Verify your backend traces are being recorded.

Visit the highlight traces portal and check that backend traces are coming in.