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Using with React Native (beta)

Learn how to set up errors, logs, and traces in your React Native application using OpenTelemetry.


Install the OpenTelemetry npm packages.

Install the following npm packages from @opentelemetry in your terminal.

# with npm npm install @opentelemetry/api @opentelemetry/core @opentelemetry/resources @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base
# with yarn yarn add @opentelemetry/api @opentelemetry/core @opentelemetry/resources @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base
# with pnpm pnpm add @opentelemetry/api @opentelemetry/core @opentelemetry/resources @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base

Create the OpenTelemetry tracer.

Some OpenTelemetry packages can't be used with the React Native's bundler, metro, due to some browser compatibility issues. As a work around, we created a custom exporter to serialize the data. A bundler-based solution is also in progress. Save this code to a "highlight.ts" file to be referenced in your app.

// create tracer with resource const resource = new Resource({ "highlight.project_id": "YOUR_PROJECT_ID", // add more resource attributes here for every trace/log/error "": "reactnativeapp" // see more in @opentelemetry/semantic-conventions }); const tracerProvider = new BasicTracerProvider({resource}) const otlpExporter = new ReactNativeOTLPTraceExporter({ url: '' }); tracerProvider.addSpanProcessor(new BatchSpanProcessor(otlpExporter)); tracerProvider.register(); export const tracer = tracerProvider.getTracer('react-native-tracer');
import { BatchSpanProcessor, BasicTracerProvider, SpanExporter, ReadableSpan, TimedEvent } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base'; import type { Link, Attributes } from '@opentelemetry/api'; import { ExportResultCode } from '@opentelemetry/core'; import { Resource } from '@opentelemetry/resources';' type KeyValue = { key: string; value: KeyValue }; class ReactNativeOTLPTraceExporter implements SpanExporter { url: string; constructor(options: { url: string; }) { this.url = options.url; this._buildResourceSpans = this._buildResourceSpans.bind(this); this._convertEvent = this._convertEvent.bind(this); this._convertToOTLPFormat = this._convertToOTLPFormat.bind(this); this._convertLink = this._convertLink.bind(this); this._convertAttributes = this._convertAttributes.bind(this); this._convertKeyValue = this._convertKeyValue.bind(this); this._toAnyValue = this._toAnyValue.bind(this); } export(spans: ReadableSpan[], resultCallback: any) { fetch(this.url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: this._buildResourceSpans(spans), }) .then((resp) => { resultCallback({ code: ExportResultCode.SUCCESS }); }) .catch((err) => { resultCallback({ code: ExportResultCode.FAILED, error: err }); }); } shutdown() { return Promise.resolve(); } _buildResourceSpans(spans: ReadableSpan[] = []) { const resource = spans[0]?.resource; const scope = spans[0]?.instrumentationLibrary; return JSON.stringify({ "resourceSpans": [ { "resource": { "attributes": resource.attributes ? this._convertAttributes(resource.attributes) : [], }, "scopeSpans": [ { "scope": { "name": scope?.name, "version": scope?.version }, "spans":, }, ], }, ], }); } _convertToOTLPFormat(span: ReadableSpan) { const spanContext = span.spanContext(); const status = span.status; return { traceId: spanContext.traceId, spanId: spanContext.spanId, parentSpanId: span.parentSpanId, traceState: spanContext.traceState?.serialize(), name:, // Span kind is offset by 1 because the API does not define a value for unset kind: span.kind == null ? 0 : span.kind + 1, startTimeUnixNano: span.startTime[0] * 1e9 + span.startTime[1], endTimeUnixNano: span.endTime[0] * 1e9 + span.endTime[1], attributes: span.attributes ? this._convertAttributes(span.attributes) : [], droppedAttributesCount: span.droppedAttributesCount || 0, events: || [], droppedEventsCount: span.droppedEventsCount || 0, status: { code: status.code, message: status.message, }, links: span.links?.map(this._convertLink) || [], droppedLinksCount: span.droppedLinksCount, }; } _convertEvent(timedEvent: TimedEvent) { return { attributes: timedEvent.attributes ? this._convertAttributes(timedEvent.attributes) : [], name:, timeUnixNano: timedEvent.time[0] * 1e9 + timedEvent.time[1], droppedAttributesCount: timedEvent.droppedAttributesCount || 0, }; } _convertLink(link: Link) { return { attributes: link.attributes ? this._convertAttributes(link.attributes) : [], spanId: link.context.spanId, traceId: link.context.traceId, traceState: link.context.traceState?.serialize(), droppedAttributesCount: link.droppedAttributesCount || 0, }; } _convertAttributes(attributes: Attributes) { return Object.keys(attributes).map(key => this._convertKeyValue(key, attributes[key])); } _convertKeyValue(key: string, value: any): KeyValue { return { key: key, value: this._toAnyValue(value), }; } _toAnyValue(value: any): any { const t = typeof value; if (t === 'string') return { stringValue: value as string }; if (t === 'number') { if (!Number.isInteger(value)) return { doubleValue: value as number }; return { intValue: value as number }; } if (t === 'boolean') return { boolValue: value as boolean }; if (value instanceof Uint8Array) return { bytesValue: value }; if (Array.isArray(value)) return { arrayValue: { values: } }; if (t === 'object' && value != null) return { kvlistValue: { values: Object.entries(value as object).map(([k, v]) => this._convertKeyValue(k, v) ), }, }; return {}; } }

Create logging function

Send logs to via creating a log trace. The parameters can be simplified or modified to better fit your use case.

const ConsoleLevels = { debug: 'debug', info: 'info', log: 'info', count: 'info', dir: 'info', warn: 'warn', assert: 'warn', error: 'error', trace: 'trace', } as const // send logs via trace export const log = (level: keyof typeof ConsoleLevels, message: string, attributes = {}) => { const span = tracer.startSpan('highlight.log') span.addEvent('log', { ...attributes, ['log.severity']: level, ['log.message']: message, }, new Date()) span.end() };

Create error function

Send errors to via a trace. The parameters can be simplified or modified to better fit your use case.

// send errors via trace export const error = (message: string, attributes = {}) => { const span = tracer.startSpan('highlight.log') span.recordException( new Error(message), new Date(), ) span.setAttributes(attributes) span.end() };

Monkeypatch the console functions

This overrides the console functions so that any console logs, errors, warnings, and other calls will send to by default.

// monkey patch console type ConsoleFn = ( any) => void let consoleHooked = false export function hookConsole() { if (consoleHooked) return consoleHooked = true for (const [level, highlightLevel] of Object.entries(ConsoleLevels)) { const origWrite = console[level as keyof Console] as ConsoleFn ;(console[level as keyof Console] as ConsoleFn) = function ( any[] ) { const date = new Date() try { return origWrite( } finally { const o: { stack: any } = { stack: {} } Error.captureStackTrace(o) const message = => typeof o === 'object' ? safeStringify(o) : o, ) const attributes = data.filter((d) => typeof d === 'object').reduce((a, b) => ({ ...a, ...b }), {}) if (level === 'error') { attributes['exception.type'] = "Error" attributes['exception.message'] = message.join('') attributes['exception.stacktrace'] = JSON.stringify(o.stack) } log( highlightLevel, message.join(' '), attributes ) } } } } // const MAX_RECURSION = 128 export function safeStringify(obj: any): string { function replacer(input: any, depth?: number): any { if ((depth ?? 0) > MAX_RECURSION) { throw new Error('max recursion exceeded') } if (input && typeof input === 'object') { for (let k in input) { if (typeof input[k] === 'object') { replacer(input[k], (depth ?? 0) + 1) } else if (!canStringify(input[k])) { input[k] = input[k].toString() } } } return input } function canStringify(value: any): boolean { try { JSON.stringify(value) return true } catch (e) { return false } } try { return JSON.stringify(replacer(obj)) } catch (e) { return obj.toString() } }

Execution of functions

Here are some examples of how to use the functions we set up above.

import * as H from "./highlight.ts" // path to highlight functions
const span = H.tracer.startSpan('Custom span name') ... span.recordException( new Error('this is a otel tracer error'), ) span.end()
H.log('warn', 'Default sending information loaded', { sender: "spencer" })
H.error('Divide by 0 error', { numerator: 623 })
H.hookConsole() console.log("Hello World")